



Disparate Impact Thinking Is Destroying Our Civilization


By Heather Mac Donald – Manhattan Institute (annotated)

The following is adapted from a talk delivered on February 15, 2024, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar in Naples, Florida. (Annotated)

The most consequential falsehood in American public policy today is the idea that any racial disparity in any institution is by definition the result of racial discrimination.

If a cancer research lab, for example, does not have 13 percent black oncologists—the black share of the national population—it is by definition a racist lab that discriminates against competitively qualified black oncologists; if an airline company doesn’t have 13 percent black pilots, it is by definition a racist airline company that discriminates against competitively qualified black pilots; and if a prison population contains more than 13 percent black prisoners, our law enforcement system is racist.

The claim that racial disparities are proof of racial discrimination has been percolating in academia and the media for a long time. After the George Floyd race riots of 2020, however, it was adopted by America’s most elite institutions, from big law and big business to big finance. Even museums and orchestras took up the cry.

Many thought that STEM—the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—would escape the diversity sledgehammer. They were wrong. The American Medical Association today insists that medicine is characterized by white supremacy. Nature magazine declares that science manifests one of “humankind’s worst excesses”: racism. The Smithsonian Institution announces that “emphasis on the scientific method” and an interest in “cause and effect relationships” are part of totalitarian whiteness.

As a result of this falsehood, we are eviscerating meritocratic and behavioral standards in accordance with what is known as “disparate impact analysis.”

Consider medicine. Step One of the medical licensing exam, taken during or after the second year of medical school, tests medical students’ knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. On average, black students score lower on the grading curve, making it harder for them to land their preferred residencies. Step One, in other words, has a “disparate impact” on black medical students. The solution, implemented last year, was to eliminate the Step One grading disparity by instituting a pass–fail system. Hospitals choosing residents can no longer distinguish between high and low achieving students—and that is precisely the point!

The average Medical College Achievement Test (MCAT) score for black applicants is a standard deviation below the average score of white applicants. Some medical schools have waived the submission of MCAT scores altogether for black applicants. The tests were already redesigned to try to eliminate the disparity. A quarter of the questions now focus on social issues and psychology. The medical school curriculum is being revised to offer more classes in white privilege and focus less on clinical practice. The American Association of Medical Colleges will soon require that medical faculty demonstrate knowledge of “intersectionality”—a theory about the cumulative burdens of discrimination. Heads of medical schools and chairmen of departments like pediatric surgery are being selected on the basis of identity, not knowledge…

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BY WFM April 24, 2024

On X this morning, I read a comment by a man, Bud@bud_cann, who wrote: ‘My dad has been actively immersed in Republican Politics in NYC, Connecticut, and New Jersey for over 50 years. He knows Joe Biden personally, and has always believed Joe Biden is an innately evil man, a phony, and a liar…Joe Biden has always been owned by the highest bidder, and Biden’s senility aside, he’s completely controlled by those supporting a looming New World Order. When Barack Obama chose Joe Biden as Vice President, Dad said, “may God protect this country, one of the most manipulatable, ignorant, malicious, and failed politicians, in history, has made it to the White House.’

My comment…nothing more left to say.

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The Second Amendment and Citizenship: Why “The People” Does Not Include Noncitizens


By John Cicchitti Volume 30,  Issue 2

One evening in 1982, a terrorist pulled into a New York City parking lot.1 Colm Murphy, an extremist associated with the Irish National Liberation Army (“INLA”),2 planned to acquire twenty M-16 automatic rifles.3 He was present in the United States illegally.4 While he had hoped to buy “SAM-7 missiles or ‘something that [had] the capability of taking down [a] helicopter’” for use in Northern Ireland, Murphy settled for the offered rifles and went to meet with the seller, ostensibly a member of the Italian-American Mafia.5 His contact—actually an undercover FBI agent—exchanged the weapons for Murphy’s money.6 Once the terrorist signed the final check and took possession of the weapons, federal agents arrested him.7

Federal prosecutors charged Murphy with “being an illegal alien who received and possessed guns.”8 A jury convicted, and he was sentenced to two years on that charge.9 On appeal, Murphy challenged his conviction, claiming the statute violated his Second Amendment rights, but the Second Circuit waved away this argument.10 The court reasoned, “in the absence of evidence showing that [a] firearm has ‘some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia,’ [the] Second Amendment does not guarantee [a] right to keep and bear such a weapon.”11 The Second Circuit upheld the statute banning illegal aliens from possessing firearms and affirmed Murphy’s conviction.12

A quarter century later, in District of Columbia v. Heller,13 the Supreme Court embraced a different Second Amendment theory.14 Instead of focusing on the relationship between militia membership and firearms, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment protected “an individual right to keep and bear arms.”15 Yet, “the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.”16 Since the Supreme Court’s decision in Heller, courts have wrestled with the boundaries of the Heller-recognized individual right to keep and bear arms.17

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WFM APRIL 2, 2024


Democratic operative behind ‘fake

news’ network scored almost 20

Biden White House visits

A Democratic operative behind a network of left-wing websites often referred to as peddling “fake news” and masquerading as independent is a frequent visitor to President Joe Biden’s White House, records show.

Tara McGowan, founder and publisher of Courier Newsroom, which is armed with funding from left-wing billionaires such as George Soros and Reid Hoffman, visited the White House nearly 20 times between August 2022 and December 2023, Fox News reported, citing White House visitor logs. Courier Newsroom, which counts its parent company as Good Information Inc., a company that McGowan also leads, has long come under fire for establishing an operation of “local news” outlets across the United States that push “propaganda” from Democratic operatives.

The White House is “proud to have restored White House press briefings and to engage with a wide range of media,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News, declining to respond to the outlet’s inquiry about McGowan’s visits.

The visits are a window into how influential left-wing activists have gained a seat at the table with the Biden White House. Alex Soros, the son of George Soros, is a frequent visitor. Meanwhile, according to a January report in Axios, Biden was warned last year by the White House counsel office that he may be opening himself up to legal problems by repeatedly hosting meetings with donors and supporters in the Oval Office.

The Washington Post reported in January that some of these meetings were private lunches — as the president’s 2024 reelection campaign ramps up ahead of his rematch against former President Donald Trump.

President Joe Biden speaks at an event in Raleigh, North Carolina, March 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Matt Kelley, File)

McGowan has been to the Biden White House to meet with several top aides, including Jordan Finkelstein, now-special assistant to the president. Patrick Stevenson, who states on his LinkedIn profile that he is deputy assistant to the president and senior adviser for digital strategy, is listed on visitor logs as being a point of contact for certain visits for McGowan.

Other White House aides listed on visitor logs in connection to McGowan visits include Madeline Strasser, ex-adviser to then-White House chief of staff Ron Klain, and Nina Srivastava, another former Klain adviser.

Writing in OpenSecrets in 2020, campaign finance expert Anna Massoglia asserted that “websites affiliated with Courier Newsroom that appear to be free-standing local news outlets are actually part of a coordinated effort with deep ties to Democratic political operatives.”

During the 2020 elections, Courier Newsroom spent millions of dollars boosting vulnerable House Democrats through a “deceptive” Facebook advertising campaign, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Courier Newsroom took large checks in 2022, a midterm election year, from nonprofit groups managed by Arabella Advisors, the largest Democratic-tied dark money network in the U.S., the Daily Caller reported.

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By J.B. Shurk

Globalists know that nothing drives public policy so much as the fear of impending death.  Nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles may have scared the snot out of anyone living through the Cold War, but they were (and still are) the gifts that keep on giving for the military-industrial complex and national security surveillance State.  The more catastrophic the consequences of any perceived threat, the more likely that otherwise skeptical human beings will hand over their freedoms in exchange for the elusive promise of personal security.  Political systems specialize in exploiting this “Save Me!” impulse for maximum leverage.  “Looming apocalypse” is Big Government’s best salesman every year. 

Ghost stories about “global warming” work the same way.  If voters can be convinced that their economic freedom is leading to humanity’s extinction, then they will accept costly regulations and “green energy”-induced inflation.  If they can be brainwashed into believing that hydrocarbon energy is evil, then they will actively protest for a future with intermittent yet expensive electric power.  If they can be deluded into thinking that only politicians and central bankers can save the planet, then they will embrace communism in order to fight “climate change.”  Given the fact that Earth’s climate is always naturally changing — whether humans are alive to notice or not — governments’ success in conditioning gullible people to fear every change in the weather has been remarkably effective in creating voluntary slaves. 

It’s also no surprise that UN Secretary-General António Guterres and other doomsayer charlatans are now hyperventilating about “global boiling.”  Generations who were told they would die decades ago have learned to discount apocalyptic warnings.  Human experience creates a natural immunity to bullsh*t.  Conversely, totalitarianism succeeds only when society’s level of anxiety can be ratcheted up well above eleventy!  That’s why every iteration of the so-called “climate emergency” must sound more scary than the last.  It’s also why each new season of “Climate Change: the Coming Armageddon” targets children who have never seen old episodes of the boring series.  It may be the longest running television program of all time, but ignorant youths — who cannot imagine that their governments would ever lie to them — fall for the dying planet horror show every time.  

This is the kind of madness that “green” false prophets perpetrate upon unsuspecting peoples — stoking irrational fears in a misanthropic and Machiavellian quest for raw power.  Twentieth-century totalitarians also came to power by spreading madness and inflaming irrational fears.  Whereas Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao obsessed over foreign ideas, capitalist leanings, religious beliefs, and racial impurities, today’s globalists obsess over hydrocarbons, “white supremacy,” and “hate” speech.  Future generations will see no distinction.  Just like the monsters of the past, today’s Deep State agents seize power by manufacturing emergencies.  Dictators always arrive on triumphal chariots that run on lies. 

The German Deep State is similar to the American Deep State — in that both love to lecture the world about “democracy” and “freedom” while censoring conservatives’ speech, criminalizing political dissent, spewing propaganda, and manipulating elections.  Both also have a penchant for creating committees and agencies that engage in behaviors they pretend to police — disinformation boards that spread lies, humanitarian aid groups that foment war, pro-democracy coalitions that seek to ban political groups and public debate.  For the German and American Deep States, language is a weapon for deceiving the people.

In one particularly laughable example, German law mandates the operation of an Ethics Council — an independent body of “experts” — that seems dedicated to finding ways to justify the government’s unethical behaviors.  How do you convince people to accept unscientific lockdowns and experimental “vaccines”?  Tell them that a nonpartisan crew of credentialed “experts” has checked for ethical landmines and determined that everything’s hunky-dory.  A few weeks ago, the morality Star Chamber published an opinion about “Climate Justice” that lays the groundwork for a future when all German activity will be strictly monitored for carbon-rationing compliance: “On grounds of justice, it can be morally required to contribute to measures to tackle climate change.  If one’s own exercise of freedom interferes in an unjust manner with the freedom and welfare of others or of future generations, for example through consumption that is harmful to the climate, the authorities may intervene with restrictions of freedom.”

As with all Deep State initiatives that say one thing while doing its opposite, Germany’s Ethics Council promises the public that it is wholly opposed to suspending “democratic freedoms” but encourages the government to create “supportive framework conditions” — including carbon taxes, personal emissions limits, product bans, and “compensatory payments” to “ongoing neo-colonial dependencies” — that will nudge Germans to do the right thing.  Ahh, nothing says freedom like new taxes, forced redistribution of wealth, regulatory kicks to the groin, financial blackmail, and total personal surveillance!  Just because the government holds a gun to the back of your head while you make decisions doesn’t mean you are any less free — the unethical Ethics Council says so!

There’s something so spectacularly German about the morality police redefining totalitarianism as merely “supportive framework conditions.”  Who could argue against a “supportive framework”?  It’s the kind of linguistic chicanery that other Western nations will readily mimic.  Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau didn’t confiscate the bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protesters in order to quell dissent and chill free speech; he was merely creating “supportive framework conditions” for their abject submission.  Australia and New Zealand didn’t set up Stasi roadblocks, checkpoints, and involuntary detainment camps during the Great COVID Hoax; they simply constructed a “supportive framework” for a functioning police State.  Barely-there Joe Biden and his vindictive Attorney General Merrick Garland haven’t weaponized the justice system to persecute conservatives, freedom-lovers, Christians, Trump, and his voters; they have implemented “supportive framework conditions” that helpfully disarm, censor, and imprison any American who resists the Deep State.  Yes siree, governing is easy when the Ethics Council condones property confiscation, coercion, and controlled speech!

At the end of the day, globalism thrives on crisis.  It is a political philosophy in perpetual search of apocalyptic threats that can be used as expedient pretexts for justifying why a small cabal of financial titans and global elites should exercise total control over local communities.  Crisis is its brand, its currency, and its product.  For globalism to persist, no crisis can ever be solved unless a new one is on its way.

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Everyone remains fixated on the border watching the endless parade of foreign malcontents who’s intentions vary. We might proffer that aside from those that wish to take advantage of our generous social programs through either fraud of hostile intention there are others who’s infiltration is to undermine and destroy our republic, specifically agents of the Chinese Communist Party. The following article details their intent of establishing a ‘fifth column’ in the United States…

China’s Increasingly Aggressive Tactics for Foreign Disinformation Campaigns


By Sara Cook September 18, 2023

On August 29, Meta reported that it had recently taken down thousands of accounts and Facebook pages that “were part of the largest known cross-platform covert operation in the world,” run by “geographically dispersed operators across China.” The announcement and its detailed analysis made headlines around the world, garnering attention for the type of information that is often mainly of interest to cybersecurity firms and digital policy wonks.

But such revelations are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Beijing’s evolving campaign to feed targeted disinformation – demonstrably false or misleading content, often through the use of fake accounts – to social media users around the world.

This reality reaffirms the findings of Freedom House’s “Beijing’s Global Media Influence” report, published last year, and demonstrates that democracies must invest more resources in the detection and mitigation of the Chinese regime’s disinformation efforts.

As they develop an appropriate response, policymakers, major technology companies, civil society researchers, and ordinary users should bear in mind the following features of Beijing’s latest disinformation practices…

To read more to to THE DIPLOMATE WEBSITE…

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Is China Sneaking Military Personnel into the U.S. Via Border

UPDATE January 27, 2024 

Reporter says he filmed hundreds of military-age Chinese men heading toward US in migrant groups

EXCERPT – Anthony Rubin, Muckraker – Fox News

“Rubin said it’s fair to be concerned about the groups showing up at the Darien Gap at the Panama-Colombia border. 

He said many of the people he filmed “do not want their faces on camera.” 

“Either they are foreign actors that are coming over here for nefarious reasons. … or number two, these are people that are afraid of some sort of retribution by the Communist Chinese Party.

“If it’s number two, well then what does that mean? That means that these people are going to be beholden to the Communist Chinese Party once they’re here. Oh, you’re in the United States. Okay, well, we’re going to threaten your friends and family back home in China unless you do X, Y, and Z.

“Either way, it’s very dangerous. You can’t allow this to just continue and have all these people cross the border. I mean, it just will not work.”

Newsweek Magazine

June 16, 2023

The Republican Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee has said that it was “very likely” that “military personnel” were being inserted into the United States by China by crossing the southern land border.

Announcing an investigation into the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, over his role in the border crisis, Mark Green, a former U.S. Army serviceman and representative for Tennessee, claimed many of the Chinese nationals entering America were “military-age men,” many of them having “known ties” to the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

It comes after Melissa Dalton, assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, told the House Armed Services Committee in March that China, along with Russia, was now posing “more dangerous challenges to the safety and security of the U.S. homeland.”

Both Dalton and Green cited the incident in February in which a Chinese spy balloon—which Beijing claims was a wayward weather balloon—passed over the continental U.S. before being shot down and recovered off the coast of South Carolina as a sign of this new threat.

This administration, in my and many others opinion, believe the Biden administration lives in a swirl of lies, disinformation and proven corruption on a scale unparalleled in our country’s history.

To those living in denial of the consequences of these ongoing threats to our national security are ignorant, under-education, self deluded partisans or maybe part of the deep state corruption threatening our country.

This entry was posted in COMMENTARY and tagged BidenChinacorruptiondeep stateNewsweek.

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The Twilight Zone

Washington Times By Robert Knight – – Friday, January 26, 2024


Whenever I hear the White House insist the border is secure, inflation is no problem, and that boys are really girls if they feel like it, I look around for Rod Serling.

You half expect to see the vintage TV show host emerge from a misty backdrop to say, “What you’re seeing is a replica of reality, not reality itself. You have been transported to a parallel universe where evil is good, wrong is right and bitter is sweet. “In short, you’re now living life in – The Twilight Zone.”

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 Chinese Ownership of US farmland

WFM January 20, 2024

Biden admin failing to track Chinese ownership of US farmland [1]

The Biden administration is failing to properly track foreign ownership of U.S. farmlands and doesn’t appear to have a plan to begin tracking that data, according to an investigation by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).

According to a GAO report detailing the findings of its investigation, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) has failed to consistently share timely data on foreign investments in U.S. agricultural land as required under the 1978 Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act (AFIDA). Further, Pentagon officials told investigators, according to the report, that USDA needs to regularly provide more up-to-date and specific AFIDA data.

“Sharing current data could help increase visibility into potential national security risks related to foreign investments in U.S. agricultural land,” the GAO report, which was published late Thursday, states. “USDA implements AFIDA across field offices and headquarters, but its processes to collect, track, and report key information are flawed.”

The GAO investigation concluded that USDA collects AFIDA data on paper forms filed with county or federal offices, but that its process is “unclear and challenging to implement.” And USDA also has no plans and timelines to create an online AFIDA database despite Congress mandating the agency create one by 2025.

[1] Story by Thomas Catanacci January 19, 2024

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WFM JANUARY 20, 2024

In an article published on Fox News titled: String of retail thefts, burglaries by migrants plaguing Chicago suburb: authorities.

Considering that the vast majority of those illegally infiltrating our borders are unvetted, in other words, with many suspect in real intentions, it is time to openly question, who’s benefiting from this influx of unknowns? [1]

Many in law enforcement and former intel agents have, including myself, noticed that many of those so called ‘migrants’ are of military age, most likely of doubtful educational background, and again suspect of their real intent.

We might assume that a large number of these young men may be cartel soldiers or human traffickers following the many un-accompanied minor children, ripe for exploitation by the cartels as sex worker, sex slaves or worse. I have noticed that many of these younger men avoid showing their faces to the news crews filming their journey towards the U.S. border.

[1] By Kyle Morris,  Fox News, January 20, 2024

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Is China Sneaking Military

Personnel into the U.S. Via Border

UPDATE January 27, 2024 

Reporter says he filmed hundreds of military-age Chinese men heading toward US in migrant groups

EXCERPT – Anthony Rubin, Muckraker – Fox News

“Rubin said it’s fair to be concerned about the groups showing up at the Darien Gap at the Panama-Colombia border. 

He said many of the people he filmed “do not want their faces on camera.” 

“Either they are foreign actors that are coming over here for nefarious reasons. … or number two, these are people that are afraid of some sort of retribution by the Communist Chinese Party.

“If it’s number two, well then what does that mean? That means that these people are going to be beholden to the Communist Chinese Party once they’re here. Oh, you’re in the United States. Okay, well, we’re going to threaten your friends and family back home in China unless you do X, Y, and Z.

“Either way, it’s very dangerous. You can’t allow this to just continue and have all these people cross the border. I mean, it just will not work.”

Newsweek Magazine

June 16, 2023 asked:

Is China Sneaking Military

Personnel into the U.S. Via Border

The Republican Chair of the House Homeland Security Committee has said that it was “very likely” that “military personnel” were being inserted into the United States by China by crossing the southern land border.

Announcing an investigation into the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, over his role in the border crisis, Mark Green, a former U.S. Army serviceman and representative for Tennessee, claimed many of the Chinese nationals entering America were “military-age men,” many of them having “known ties” to the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

It comes after Melissa Dalton, assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, told the House Armed Services Committee in March that China, along with Russia, was now posing “more dangerous challenges to the safety and security of the U.S. homeland.”

Both Dalton and Green cited the incident in February in which a Chinese spy balloon—which Beijing claims was a wayward weather balloon—passed over the continental U.S. before being shot down and recovered off the coast of South Carolina as a sign of this new threat.

This administration, in my and many others opinion, believe the Biden administration lives in a swirl of lies, disinformation and proven corruption on a scale unparalleled in our country’s history.

To those living in denial of the consequences of these ongoing threats to our national security are ignorant, under-education, self deluded partisans or maybe part of the deep state corruption threatening our country.

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Biden: U.S. Does Not Support Taiwan Independence

The New American News By John Larabell January 13, 2024

ED Note: In my opinion we may deduce with certainty that China seems to have bought Joe Biden who seems on board with the Chinese foreign policy objective, invasion of Taiwan…

President Joe Biden claimed “We do not support independence” for Taiwan when asked for comments after the victory of Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te in Taiwan’s presidential elections Saturday.

Lai’s DPP supports maintaining the status quo for Taiwan, and his candidacy was opposed by Beijing.

After congratulating Lai on his victory, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States “is committed to maintaining cross-strait peace and stability, and the peaceful resolution of differences, free from coercion and pressure.”

Taiwan expects Beijing to put political and economic pressure on the island, including military drills in the Taiwan Strait, before Lai takes office on May 20.

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NEW YORK — Gov. Kathy Hochul signed historic racial justice legislation…by… creating a committee to consider reparations for slavery.

The new law authorizes the creation of a community commission that will study the history of slavery in New York state and what reparations could look like.

“You can see the unreckoned-with impacts of slavery in things such as Black poverty, Black maternal mortality,” said Nicole Carty, executive director of the group Get Free. [1]

[Editor – To wit] You will notice the something for nothing word ‘free’ in Carty’s group’s title explains the real intent here, just that, ‘free’, but for who we might ask? We might proffer certainly not for those who were never slaves to begin with.

However, those groups promoting this unsustainable farce, or better yet fraud on the American taxpayers will, as current events have shown, are those bureaucrats, race hustlers and politicians who will profit from the monies used to finance this agenda.

[1] CBS New York Story by Natalie Duddridge December 20, 2023

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WFM November 29, 2023

Special Council Jack Smith, like a puppet on a string, is working overtime to crush Donald Trump. To those unable to connect the dots leading back to AG Garland, himself a puppet to the Biden neo-Marxists running the WH, are a further indication of the erosion of our republic surrendering to a neo-Marxist insurgency fabricated by a corrupt media controlled by a group of greedy elitist insurgents seeking to up-end or republic for their totalitarian thirst to enslave and control from birth to death.

The left’s self imposed label ‘democrat socialists, ie Marxists,’ is nothing more than a cover for the trans-national elitist totalitarians who’re behind the whole agenda currently undermining our political system.



This gallery contains 1 photo.

In October 4, 2023, General Mark Miley, known as General Sparkles, left the JCS. He was replaced by Air Force General Charles Q Brown, also known as ‘Up and Away Charlie,’ aiming to bring the Air Force into a ‘woke’ social contract. This move is seen as conflicting with the traditional warrior ethos focused on combat. Continue reading


Marialito Boatlift The Perfect Analogy For Democrat’s Open Border Policy

WFM – August 2, 2023

We might look at the Biden administrations ‘open border’ policies as reminiscent of another leftist President, Jimmy Carter.

On April 20, 1980, the Castro regime announced that all Cubans wishing to emigrate to the U.S. are free to board boats at the port of Mariel west of Havana, launching the Mariel Boatlift.

The first of 125,000 Cuban refugees from Mariel reached Florida the next day. Castro, to facilitate the so called ‘Marialito boatlift’ released the most dangerous felons from Cuban prisons. The result of this little slight of hand by Castro, convicted murderers, rapists, child molesters and every other type of criminal felon were released on to the U.S. mainland.

The CIA and most law enforcement entities had the suspicion, since proven correct, that Castro’s release of those felons was the result of an orchestrated ‘op’ by the Soviet intelligence apparatus, heavily involved in Cuba at that time.

Violent crimes, mainly in Florida and California, at the time, spiked as a result. The leftist inspired ‘water walkers,’ who largely applauded the ‘Marialito boatlift’ went silent as the diastorous results of this criminal migration took root.

We might now ask how long until the disasterous result of this current failed leftist inspired incursion swamps law enforcement and threatens what little freedoms we have left. The law of unintended consequences seems a fitting descriptor for the ill thought policies of the leftist hive mind which is easily manipulated by those who would selfishly profit from the destruction of our republic.

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Marines Reach Recruiting Goals

WFM – July 30, 2023

The Marine Corps Times reported, unlike the other services, have reached their 2023 goals without having to push diversity and fear of white supremacy. It would appear that Marine recruits understand that the Corps is a war fighting machine where killing the enemy, without apologizing to their corpses, is understood as their primary mission.

The Pentagon REMFs, lawyers and social workers hiding in uniforms, have been hobbling war fighters since Viet Nam and before. War is not for pussies.

These whimps believe that troops must not offend the enemy, let them shoot first before returning fire and be prosecuted if a stray round in a fire fight hits the wrong person known in inclusive jargon as, a ‘person in the wrong place at the wrong time.’

In closing: (My opinion) Corps recruits join because they want to fight, the all encompassing warrior ethos understood and accepted regardless of color or class. We might proffer that those who enlist in the Corps are, (again in my opinion,) a cut above the curently enabled whiners and self declared victims who have no business laying claim to the title of war fighter – REMFs included….

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Lea Thomas Antifa Woman Of The Year

(Again – this is a repost of previous post which disappeared from my website obviously for offending the ignorant, undereducated empty brain pans of the woke mob)

WFM – July 20, 2023

It is now reported that Thomas has taken on the mantle of an Antifa ‘super soldier’ a label that may push the ‘real’ female Antifa ‘super soldiers’ to despair and suicide unless of course they already have penises. Thomas fits neatly into Antifa’s agenda of ‘violent trans militancy’ a new form of psychosis infecting empty brain pans with no anchor to reality.

Since the beginning of the left’s PR campaign to foster acceptance of Lea Thomas’s fantasy of being a women, ‘she, it, whatever,’ has taken advantage of biological women who participate in women’s sports. Thomas, an athletic failure as a man, has taken advantage of women, who, unlike ‘she, it – whatever,” doesn’t have a penis or enough testosterone to compete against him and other pretenders. This acceptence of ‘gender confusion’ better known as ‘gender fluidity’ has put a spike through the heart of women’s sports competition.

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Kirby claims anti-woke defense bill puts troops, military readiness at ‘greater risk’

Said rollback of trans, DEI, abortion programs would ‘make it harder for Americans to serve in uniform’

By Alexander Hall – Fox News, July 14, 2023

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby claimed that the left-wing policies Republican lawmakers condemn are actually essential for military readiness Friday.

(Ed Note:Retired Rear Admiral Kirby fits the title of a REMF as explained in a previous post)

The House of Representatives narrowly passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Friday, which Republicans have touted for pushing back against “woke” Pentagon policies. Most Democrats rejected the bill due to hotly debated amendments that would curb the Pentagon’s abortion travel reimbursement policy, transgender medical procedures and Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) programs throughout the military. 

“DoD’s strategic advantage in a complex global security environment is the diverse and dynamic talent pool from which we draw,” the White House statement of administration policy said in response to the bill earlier this week. “We rely on diverse perspectives, experiences, and skillsets to remain a global leader, deter war, and keep our nation secure.”

Please read original article -Fox New – July 13, 2023

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Is China Attacking Us From Within….

WFM – Juuly 15, 2023

(Chang is a contributing editor for 19FortyFive, an online international affairs website, and serves on the advisory board of the Global Taiwan Institute, a policy incubator based in Washington, D.C. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Conservative Political Action Conference.)

Gordon Change – The Daily Caller, July 13, 2023

It is way past time to end the ability of the Chinese regime to conduct political warfare against the United States from American soil. America’s defense begins with closing down the America Chang Le Association.

On April 17, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the arrests that day of two individuals for “conspiring to act as agents” of the People’s Republic of China and obstructing justice. The pair — “Harry” Lu Jianwang and Chen Jinping — had “worked together to establish the first overseas police station in the United States” for the Fuzhou branch of China’s Ministry of Public Security. 

The branch was a “clandestine police station” operated under the cover of the America Chang Le Association in Manhattan’s Chinatown. The facility that closed last fall, after an FBI raid, had been operated by the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China.

China’s actions were outrageous — but Americans should be asking why did the Chinese regime think it could, without permission, establish a police station on American soil?

The answer is: American presidents for decades have known that China’s diplomats and agents were violating American sovereignty and did either nothing or virtually nothing to stop these activities. Therefore, China’s Communists naturally thought they could get away with even more blatant conduct.

(Continue reading Daily Caller, July 13, 2023 – ‘Don’t Let China Attack Us From Within, By Gordon Chang)

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WFM – July 13, 2023

An opinion article in Military Times, Friday July 7, 2023 authored By Gen James Conway (USMC – Ret) 34th Commandant of the Marine Corps. and Gen Anthony Zinni (USMC Ret) former Commander in Chief of the United States Central Command posed that following question:

How capable is today’s Marine Corps to answer a 9-1-1 call, their answer, not very.

The American people and a growing ­number of elected representatives are beginning to suspect something some ­Marine Corps leaders have been unwilling to admit: United States Marines are no longer capable of responding to global crises and contingencies quickly and ­effectively, and in some cases, at all.

During February 2022, the ­Marine Corps was unable to meet a U.S. ­European Command request to surge a Marine ­expeditionary unit — a force of about 2,200 specially trained Marines and sailors embarked on amphibious ships — to the Mediterranean in response to ­Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Lt. Gen. Karsten Heckl, the deputy commandant for Combat Development and Integration, told the Senate Armed Services seapower subcommittee. A month would pass before a Marine expeditionary unit could sail from North Carolina….

To continue reading the rest of the article go to Military Times website – July 7, 2023

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The Erosian Of Our Military Readiness

By WFM – July 13, 2023

Divisive leftist social policies are systematically destroying the cohesion of our armed forces by policies garunteed to destroy unit cohesion, the back bone of military readiness.

Pronouns, gender fluidity and any other number of leftist ideals are anathema to an effective fighting force.

A cohesive unit is made up of members who communicate effectively, overcome conflict, and work together willingly. Shared commitment. In a cohesive group, members are both committed to one another and collectively committed to a task, mission, or cause.

Unfortunately, under this bumbling leftist administration, these distractions coupled with lower physical qualifications and a leftist inspired miltary leadership, are a prognostication for failure.

In closing, this is not the military that I served in which, if these leftist ideals were indeed in effect, would not have sustained itself over the long term. It’s time to throw out the current miltary leadership in charge of the DOD and JCS and those politicians that are standing idely, complicit in the incremental destruction of our military.

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China’s Field Day With Counterfeiting

China’s latest export, after fentanyl…. is counterfeit postage stamps

Opinion by Chuck Devore – Fox News

‘There’s been an alarming rise in Made in China counterfeit postage stamps here in America’

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has been struggling for years, saddled with an outmoded business model and huge retiree pension liabilities. And now, added to its inflationary and management woes comes a new threat: counterfeit stamps from China marketed online through paid ads on Google and Facebook, among other platforms.

Counterfeiting currency, bonds, or other government paper of value is a form of warfare. The British printed Continental paper dollars to undermine the American economy during the Revolutionary War. The Union encouraged counterfeiting against the Confederacy during the Civil War. And North Korea has been known for passing fake $100 Federal Reserve notes (Supernotes).

To that record of profitable fakery we can add a new entry: Made in China USPS Forever stamps, sold for as little as 7.7 cents each—88% off the official price of $0.63 each. And, better yet, one printer even boasts of featuring anti-counterfeiting detection ink that looks like official postage under ultra-violet light….

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Israel Calls Out UN

WFM – My opinion….The UN has never been hesitant to accuse Israel’s fight against West Bank terrorists as a criminal action. In contrast the UN seemingly ignores continueing terrorist attacks on Israel by Arabs as justified.

Israel’s ambassador calls out UN chief over anti-Israel comments following recent anti-terror raid in Jenin

By Benjamin Weinthal – Fox News

JERUSALEM—In a statement after the United Nations condemned Israel’s operation to degrade Palestinian terrorism infrastructure in the West Bank city of Jenin, the Jewish state’s ambassador to the U.N. on Thursday issued a stinging rebuke of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres while welcoming a pro-Israel Executive Order (EO) from Republican New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu. 

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan said “The Secretary-General’s remarks were shameful, farfetched, and completely detached from reality. The recent IDF activity in Jenin focused solely on combating the murderous Palestinian terror targeting innocent Israeli civilians. Additionally, it’s hard to fathom how the U.N. Secretary-General, time and again, ‘forgets’ to mention that the murderous terrorists are Palestinian terrorists.”

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Booger Sugar Found In The White House

WFM – JULY 5, 2023

One might wonder if the President’s son, Hunter Biden, an accomplished drug addict, ever kicked his drug habit. The recent discovery of cocaine in the ‘West Wing,’ family living quarters shouldn’t be a surprise for those in the ‘know.’

Having previously served in law enforcemnt for a number of years, based on my experience, Hunter is still under the ‘influence’ of drugs. It was reported that the ‘coke’ was found after his last visit, previous to yesterday’s 4th of July visit to the White House – all bets are off, in my opinion, that Ole’ Joe’s ‘wunderkin’ is still under the influence.

Following reports of the find by the Secret Service, a number of media outlets jumped on the band wagon salivating over the prospect of a ‘juicy’ scandal the like of which not seen since Bill Clintin’s cigar caper, under his Oval Office desk….stand by for more to come.

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‘Biden’s China First Policies’

WFM July 1, 202

Former President Trump, during a campaign rally in South Carolina last week, described Joe Biden as a “corrupt and comprimised president.” We might proffer in light of facts now being exposed, it is no longer speculative that Joe Biden has been engaged in illegal activity, to wit, taking money from foreign enemies like China and others believed, though not yet named, for he and his familys personal benefit. The Biden family’s alleged activities would seem qualified to be indictctable under the RICO ACT statues.

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) of 1970 seeks to strengthen the legal tools in evidence gathering by establishing new penal prohibitions and providing enhanced sanctions and new remedies for dealing with the unlawful activities of those engaged in organized crime. [1]

Looking further Biden’s activities, which some have said, might well constitute as treasonous given his policies that seems to benefit China, a foreign enemy actively working to undermine our global influence and national security.

In October of 2022 an article refernced on The Council on Foreign relations website stated ‘ China appears to be increasingly interfering in U.S. elections through intensive lobbying, control of foreign media outlets, and sophisticated disinformation campaigns.’ [2]

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: [3]

It would seem that Joe biden’s policies and personal greed have brought our republic to a point that if he, or whoever his masters put in place, continue Biden’s disasterous political agenda, we will end up in a civil war that might well destroy our republic……As always, just my opinion- WFM

[1] Public law: 91-452 U.S.C. sections created: 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961–1… Effective: October 15, 197o Statutes at Large: 84 Stat. 922-3 aka 84 Stat. 9…

[2]  Asia Program, Renewing America, and Diamosteing, Project on the Future of Democracy – Council on Foreign Relations, October, 2022

[3] U.S.Constitution Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:

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The Second Amendment and Citizenship: Why “The People” Does Not Include Noncitizens


By John Cicchitti Volume 30,  Issue 2

One evening in 1982, a terrorist pulled into a New York City parking lot.1 Colm Murphy, an extremist associated with the Irish National Liberation Army (“INLA”),2 planned to acquire twenty M-16 automatic rifles.3 He was present in the United States illegally.4 While he had hoped to buy “SAM-7 missiles or ‘something that [had] the capability of taking down [a] helicopter’” for use in Northern Ireland, Murphy settled for the offered rifles and went to meet with the seller, ostensibly a member of the Italian-American Mafia.5 His contact—actually an undercover FBI agent—exchanged the weapons for Murphy’s money.6 Once the terrorist signed the final check and took possession of the weapons, federal agents arrested him.7

Federal prosecutors charged Murphy with “being an illegal alien who received and possessed guns.”8 A jury convicted, and he was sentenced to two years on that charge.9 On appeal, Murphy challenged his conviction, claiming the statute violated his Second Amendment rights, but the Second Circuit waved away this argument.10 The court reasoned, “in the absence of evidence showing that [a] firearm has ‘some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia,’ [the] Second Amendment does not guarantee [a] right to keep and bear such a weapon.”11 The Second Circuit upheld the statute banning illegal aliens from possessing firearms and affirmed Murphy’s conviction.12

A quarter century later, in District of Columbia v. Heller,13 the Supreme Court embraced a different Second Amendment theory.14 Instead of focusing on the relationship between militia membership and firearms, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment protected “an individual right to keep and bear arms.”15 Yet, “the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.”16 Since the Supreme Court’s decision in Heller, courts have wrestled with the boundaries of the Heller-recognized individual right to keep and bear arms.17

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Reading the following article I was reminded that this is nothing new. Weak prosecutors and their bed wetting liberal sympathizers made it possible for the six gang members, two of whom were illegals, getting away with ambushing my partner, who was shot, and I while we were on patrol in 1993. To appease the weak kneed prosecutor we were required to identify, by sound, weapons used in a test at our department’s firing range. We identified all eleven weapons used. Apparently that wasn’t good enough. The end result was all six gang members involved were released without being charged.

Ed Note: The following adjudication was made by another soft on crime judge ignoring codified law, Title 18 of U.S. Criminal Code, and redefining the Second Amendment to fit her own liberal beliefs…

Undocumented Immigrants Have Right to Own Guns

Newsweek By  Nick Mordowanec March 19, 2024

A judge this month dropped gun charges against an illegal migrant in Illinois, sparking further debate about the rights associated with the Second Amendment.

U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Coleman of the Northern District of Illinois referenced lower court rulings in dismissing firearm possession charges against Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, who was illegally or unlawfully in the United States when he possessed a handgun in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago on June 1, 2020.

Carbajal-Flores was charged under Title 18 of U.S. Criminal Code, which legally disallows undocumented individuals to possess firearms and ammunition “or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.”


Mike Pence announces $20 million American Solutions Project to promote conservatism

By Mike Hauer, February 21, 2024 UPI News (Annotated)

Former Vice President Mike Pence and the Advancing America Freedom conservative political advocacy organization intend to spend $20 million to emphasize conservatism over populism and socialism.

[ED Note] My personal opinion, this advocacy group is a cover for the anti-Trump populist movement with the catchall phrase ‘socialism’ to quell any questioning of this groups true intention as a vehicle to stop Donald Trump from being President…

The…American Solutions Project, which has three primary objectives:

One is to create a platform that conservative candidates can use to move away from populism while countering what it calls the “embrace of socialism” by the left.

Another is to promote conservative laws and policies that the group says will restore the United States as a global leader, confront China and promote free trade

The final objective is to protect the conservative principle of limited government and spending.

[ED Note] The last stated goal as part of the groups advocacy, ‘limited government spending,’ a pipe dream considering that K Street, center for lobbying and the location of numerous advocacy groups, law firms, trade associations, and some think tanks. In political discourse, “K Street” the center of Washington’s lobbying industry, has it’s hooks so deep into the ‘swamp’ that omission of it’s influence makes the idea of ‘limiting’ government spending as a misnomer rather than a reality…

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