Lea Thomas Antifa Woman Of The Year

(Again – this is a repost of previous post which disappeared from my website obviously for offending the ignorant, undereducated empty brain pans of the woke mob)

WFM – July 20, 2023

It is now reported that Thomas has taken on the mantle of an Antifa ‘super soldier’ a label that may push the ‘real’ female Antifa ‘super soldiers’ to despair and suicide unless of course they already have penises. Thomas fits neatly into Antifa’s agenda of ‘violent trans militancy’ a new form of psychosis infecting empty brain pans with no anchor to reality.

Since the beginning of the left’s PR campaign to foster acceptance of Lea Thomas’s fantasy of being a women, ‘she, it, whatever,’ has taken advantage of biological women who participate in women’s sports. Thomas, an athletic failure as a man, has taken advantage of women, who, unlike ‘she, it – whatever,” doesn’t have a penis or enough testosterone to compete against him and other pretenders. This acceptence of ‘gender confusion’ better known as ‘gender fluidity’ has put a spike through the heart of women’s sports competition.

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